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B2C content marketing challenges in North America 2015

Largest B2C content marketing challenges in North America as of August 2015

This graph presents the biggest B2C content marketing challenges in North America as of August 2015. During the survey, 56% of all surveyed B2C marketers stated that producing engaging content was the largest challenge in content marketing.

Producing engaging content 56
Measuring content effectiveness 50
Measuring the ROI of content marketing program 46
Producing content consistently 46
Producing a variety of content 39
Lack of budget 35
Understanding/choosing technology that we need 31
Implementing the technology that we already have in place 24
Lack of buy-in/vision from higher-ups 23
Lack of integration across marketing 22
Gaps in knowledge and skills of internal team 21
Finding or training skilled content marketing professionals/content creators 18
Other 6
No challenges 1