Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Bottled Water Market | Leading bottled sparkling water brands - sales in the U.S., 2017

Sales of the leading bottled sparkling water brands in the United States 2017

Sales of the leading bottled sparkling water brands of the United States in 2017 (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data shows the sales of the leading bottled sparkling water brands in the U.S. in 2017. For the 52 weeks ending August 13, 2017, Polar was ranked as fifth leading bottled sparkling water brand in the U.S. with about 133.91 million USD' worth of sales.

Bottled sparkling water Bottled sparkling water belongs to the bottled water category. Packaging varies between glass or plastic water bottles. The International Bottled Water Association defines bottled sparkling water as bottled water fortified with carbon dioxide.

Private label 482.87
Sparkling Ice 380.29
La Croix 321.77
Perrier 254.9
Polar 133.91
San Pellegrino 130.55
Topo Chico 74.31
Schweppes 64.97
Sparkling Ice Lemonade 55.88
La Croix Curate 52.1