Media & Entertainment » Advertising & Marketing » Mobile Marketing | U.S. mobile ad spend distribution by industry 2015

U.S mobile ad spend share in 2015, by industry

Distribution of mobile advertising spending in the United States in 2015, by industry

The data describes a projected distribution of mobile advertising spending in the U.S. in 2015, broken down by industry. According to the source, the financial services industry will hold a 12.1% share of the total 28.72 billion USD expected to be spent on mobile advertising in 2015.

Retail 23.2
Financial services 12.1
Automotive 12
Telecom 11.4
Travel 8.3
CPG & consumer products 8.1
Computing products & consumer electronics 7.3
Media 6
Entertainment 5.2
Healthcare & pharma 2.3
Other 4.2