Global digital & physical OOH revenue 2015-2020

Out-of-home revenue worldwide from 2015 to 2020, by platform (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays data on out-of-home revenue worldwide in 2015, as well as a forecast thereof until 2020, by platform. In 2017, the physical OOH revenue is expected to amount 24.5 billion USD, whereas the digital OOH revenue is expected to reach 13.5 billion. An average person spent 66 minutes every week looking at OOH media in 2016. The number grew 1.5% on 2015. JCDecaux was the biggest outdoor advertising company worldwide in 2015, with revenue reaching 3.6 billion USD.

2015 24.5 10
2016 24.5 11.5
2017 24.5 13.5
2018 24.5 15
2019 24.5 16.5
2020 24.5 18.5