Media & Entertainment » Advertising & Marketing » RCS (Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera Media Group S.p.A) | Corriere della Sera daily copies in circulation by format 2013-2016 I Italy

Italy: Corriere della Sera daily copies in circulation 2013-2016, by format

Number of copies in circulation of the daily newspaper Corriere della Sera in Italy from 2013 to June 2016 (in 1,000 copies), by format

The data displays the number of copies in circulation of the daily newspaper Corriere della Sera in Italy from 2013 to June 30, 2016, by format. As of the survey period, the number of printed copies in circulation of Corriere della Sera decreased consistently from 387 thousand copies in 2013, to 305 thousand copies in 2015.

2013 101 387
2014 128 335
2015 129 305
H1 2016 116 288