Media & Entertainment » Advertising & Marketing » RCS (Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera Media Group S.p.A) | La Gazzetta dello Sport: circulation by region 2003-2016 I Italy

Circulation of the newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport in Italy 2003-2016, by region

Average circulation of the newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport in Italy from 2003 to 2016, by region

The data displays the average circulation of the Italian newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport in Italy from 2003 to 2016, broken down by region. In the region of Lombardy, the average circulation of La Gazzetta dello Sport was at roughly 47.4 thousand copies in 2016.

2003 6270 2606 5106 12702 37435 10422 17164 15654 102221 14318 653 20777 14193 7904 16998 30066 6899 5662 741 34661
2004 6596 2515 50170 12732 39365 10346 16314 18307 97452 14827 604 19743 14816 9442 16827 28935 8384 6823 707 32963
2005 5324 2253 4658 11622 33076 10949 15364 14733 92798 12766 615 19375 17749 861 16624 25634 8005 4998 656 33175
2006 5116 2251 4403 11718 33689 11198 15510 15363 91477 12347 539 18508 15797 926 16799 24616 7715 4708 654 33423
2007 5028 2220 4275 11169 33698 11602 1549 16287 89180 11889 557 18438 16473 9829 15613 24184 8041 4885 634 32640
2008 5355 1793 5234 10718 32157 10493 17299 1486 87466 12078 904 17712 17139 9451 16 23976 7735 5301 906 34
2009 4699 1448 4535 10219 31338 9904 15217 14556 84350 10773 909 16654 15636 8841 14226 23534 7446 4510 1041 32749
2010 4909 1525 4590 10551 30183 9323 14902 13487 84602 10173 908 16695 14539 7659 12901 23288 678 4217 1049 32045
2011 4269 1448 4088 9433 28051 8893 12998 12066 77807 9551 797 1551 13333 6576 11045 21319 6304 3721 976 30286
2012 3519 1247 3385 8017 25797 8134 10963 10462 69676 8594 691 14050 11799 5503 9451 18892 5896 3159 909 27641
2013 3062 1119 2731 6826 22902 7168 9109 9020 60896 7581 621 12607 10617 4632 8178 16352 5297 2709 789 24727
2014 2953 1148 2360 5874 2128 6707 8365 8321 55781 6854 552 11714 10768 4343 7032 14817 4882 2513 730 22984
2015 2798 1071 2016 4967 19795 6244 7271 7844 51496 6210 540 10852 10375 4000 6332 13847 4624 2294 679 21465
2016 2677 1015 1725 4290 19125 5981 6431 7326 47439 5802 787 10323 9807 3844 5717 13005 4469 2109 653 20179