Media & Entertainment » Advertising & Marketing » Super Bowl | Super Bowl consumer spending 2007-2017

Estimated consumer spending related to the Super Bowl weekend 2007-2017

Estimated Super Bowl related consumer spending in the U.S. from 2007 to 2017 (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data illustrates the consumer spending in the United States related to the Super Bowl weekend from 2007 (Super Bowl XLI) to 2018 (Super Bowl LII). It is estimated that a total amount of 15.3 billion USD will be spent by consumers in the United States on Super Bowl related purchases in 2018.

These purchases include for example foods and beverages, game-related merchandise, other apparel, decorations and televisions. Super Bowl consumer spending -- additional information The Super Bowl, the annual NFL championship game, is one of the largest sports events in the world.

2007 8.71
2008 9.47
2009 9.56
2010 8.87
2011 10.15
2012 11.02
2013 12.28
2014 12.37
2015 14.31
2016 15.53
2017 14.1
2018 15.3