Number of movies seen in a theater in the U.S 2017, by age

Number of movies seen per capita in a theater in the United States in 2017, by age

The data displays an average number of movies seen in a movie theater in the U.S. in 2017, broken down by age group. It was found that moviegoers aged 18-24 had seen on average 4.7 movies in a theater in 2017. Among this age category, there were 5.2 million frequent moviegoers in the U.S., meaning that they went to the movies once a month of more. The highest number of frequent moviegoers was found in the 25-39 age group, in which 11.1 million consumers went to the movies once a month or more. 3D movies were most popular among teenagers, who watched an average of 3.

2-11 2.9
12-17 4.9
18-24 4.7
25-39 4.4
40-49 3.6
50-59 3
60+ 2.5