Media & Entertainment » Advertising & Marketing » U.S. Millennials: Media & Marketing | U.S. consumer perception of search advertising by age 2017

U.S. consumers who find search engine advertising annoying 2017, by age

Share of consumers who felt annoyed by advertising on search engines in the United States as of May 2017, by age group

The data describes the share of consumers in the U.S. who felt annoyed about advertising on search engines as of May 2017, broken down by age group. During the survey period, 27% of respondents aged 60 years or older had expressed that they felt annoyed by search engine advertising.

16-29 years 31 28 21 13 2 6
30-59 years 23 27 26 13 3 7
60 years and older 27 27 21 10 4 13