Media & Entertainment » Books & Publishing » Book formats in the U.S. | Half-year trade book sales revenue in the U.S. by format 2016

Half-year trade book sales revenue in the United States 2011-2016, by format

Book sales revenue in the United States from 1st half 2011 to 1st half 2017, by format (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data describes book sales revenue in the U.S. from the first half of 2011 to the first half of 2017, by format. In the first half of 2017, e-books generated nearly 556 million USD sales revenue in the U.S.

H1 2011 941.8 1291.4 523 155.3 2911.6
H1 2012 1072.2 1241.7 813.8 191.9 3319.7
H1 2013 1022 1093.6 752.5 205.8 3073.8
H1 2014 1109.6 1005.9 813.2 205.9 3134.7
H1 2015 987.2 1101.1 729.7 273.4 3091.4
H1 2016 989.7 579.5 126.7 3030
H1 2017 1110 555.7 157.7 181.8 3270