The data displays the highest price consumers are willing to pay for an e-book if the price of the corresponding paperback is 14 USD in the U.S. in 2017. During the survey, 16% of respondents stated that they were willing to pay between two and 3.99 USD for an e-book if the price of the corresponding paperback was 14 USD.
Up to $2 | 20 |
$2 to $3.99 | 16 |
$4 to $5.99 | 17 |
$6 to $7.99 | 14 |
$8 to $9.99 | 13 |
$10 to $11.99 | 9 |
$12 to $13.99 | 3 |
$14 | 5 |
More than $14 | 3 |