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E-book purchasing source in the United States 2017

Which of the following methods have you used to acquire e-books during the last 12 months?

The data describes data on the most popular methods for acquiring e-books in the U.S. in 2017. During the survey, 30% of respondents stated that they e-books from a friend via IM, e-mail, or flash drive.

Purchased from an online retailer (e.g., Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes/Apple) 42
Borrowed from a friend via Kindle, Nook, or other e-book device-enable lending 33
Purchased directly from a publisher's own website 32
Downloaded for free from a public/open torrent site (e.g., Pirate Bay) 31
Downloaded for free from a public/open cyberlocker (e.g.,, 31
Obtained from a friend via IM, e-mail, or flash drive 30
Accessed from a book subscription service with a monthly fee (e.g., Scribd, Amazon's Kindle Unlimited 29
Borrowed from a commercial e-book lending service (e.g., Googe Play, Amazon Kindle Owners' Lending Library) 29
Acquired from an online auction site or resale site (e.g., eBay) 27
Obtained from a friend via a closed internal network (e.g., Dropbox) 27
Borrowed for no charge from the e-book collection of a public library, school library. or a library to which your company subscribers 25
Downloaded from a site dedicaded to out-of-copyright works (e.g., 23