Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Cognac Industry | Volume sales share leading brandy & cognac brands United States, 2016

Volume sales share of the leading brandy & cognac brands in the United States 2016

Volume sales share of the leading brandy & cognac brands in the United States in 2016
Created with Highcharts 5.0.142727262616169977442299E & JMoet HennessyPaul Masson BrandyChristian BrothersRemy MartinCourvoisierKorbelOthers024681012141618202224262830

The data displays the volume sales share of the leading brandy and cognac brands in the U.S. in 2016. In that year, E & J accounted for a share of 27% of brandy and cognac volume sales in the U.S.

E & J 27
Moet Hennessy 26
Paul Masson Brandy 16
Christian Brothers 9
Remy Martin 7
Courvoisier 4
Korbel 2
Others 9