Media & Entertainment » Books & Publishing » Libraries in the United Kingdom | Public library book and AV media stock UK 2002-2014

Public library stock in the UK 2002-2014, by type

Public library book and audio visual media stock in the United Kingdom from 2002/03 to 2013/14 (in million units)

The data shows the total public library stock of books and audio visual media in the UK from 2002/03 to 2013/14. In 2013/14, public libraries stocked 88 million books and 7.76 million AV units.

2002/03 114.2 8.83
2003/04 110.45 9.03
2004/05 107.65 8.83
2005/06 104.86 8.83
2006/07 103.17 8.78
2007/08 101.32 8.76
2008/09 99.75 8.42
2009/10 99.18 8.33
2010/11 98.94 8.07
2011/12 94.34 7.96
2012/13 92.18 7.95
2013/14 88.05 7.76