Media & Entertainment » Books & Publishing » Printed media in Europe | Finland: share of people who trust the news by age 2018

Trust in the news and in the independence of the media in Finland 2018, by age group

Share of trust in the news and in the independence of the domestic media in Finland in 2018, by age group
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1452526464171728286565757518182929I believe one can trust most newsI believe that I can trust most of the news that IfollowI believe that I can trust most of the news that I follow I believe that I can trust most of the news on socialmediaI believe that I can trust most of the news on social media I believe that I can trust most of the news in searchenginesI believe that I can trust most of the news in search engines020406080

The data displays the results of a survey on trust towards the news and the news media in Finland in 2018, broken down by age group. During the period under survey, 75% of the respondents over 35 years believed that they could trust most of the news that they followed. The corresponding figure for people under 35 was 64%.

I believe one can trust most news 52 65
I believe that I can trust most of the news that I follow 64 75
I believe that I can trust most of the news on social media 17 18
I believe that I can trust most of the news in search engines 28 29