Media & Entertainment » Books & Publishing » Printed media in Europe | Finland: books with most translations 2018

Finland's most translated books 2018

Most translated books in Finland as of 2018, by number of languages

The data displays the most widely translated books from Finland as of 2018. The book that was translated to most languages, 59 in total, was the book 'Kalevala' written by Elias Lönnrot.

Elias Lönnrot - Kalevala 59
Mika Waltari - Sinuhe Egyptiläinen (Sinuhe the Egyptian) 37
Sofi Oksanen - Puhdistus (Purge) 37
Aleksis Kivi - Seitsemän veljestä 32
Arto Paasilinna - Jäniksen vuosi (The Year of the Hare) 28
Arto Paasilinna - Ulvova mylläri (The Howling Miller) 26
Frans Emil Sillanpää - Nuorena nukkunut (Fallen Asleep While Young) 25
Väinö Linna - Tuntematon sotilas (Unknown Soldiers) 24
Antti Tuomainen - Parantaja (The Healer) 23
Mika Waltari - Johannes Angelos 22