Media & Entertainment » Books & Publishing » Women in Media | Female winners of the Pulitzer Prize 2016

Female winners of the Pulitzer Prize 2016, by category

Number of female winners of the Pulitzer Prize as of 2016, by category

The data displays the number of female winners of the Pulitzer Prize as of 2016, sorted by category. Since 1948, a total of 11 women have won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting.

Investigative reporting (1985-present) 16
Feature writing (1979-present) 15
Commentary (1970-present) 14
National reporting (1948-present) 11
Criticism (1970-present) 11
International reporting (1948-present) 10
Editorial writing (1917-present) 10
Feature photography (1968-present) 8
Public service (1917-present) 7
Explanatory reporting (1998-present) 6
Local reporting (1948-1952, 2007-present) 6
Breaking news photography (2000-present) 4
Editorial cartooning (1922-present) 2