Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Craft Beer Industry in the U.S. | Pizza and alcohol pairing by type U.S. 2016

Popular alcoholic beverages U.S. consumers drink with pizza 2016, by type

Which of the following types of alcoholic beverages, if any, are you most likely to drink with pizza?

The data displays the popular alcoholic beverages U.S. consumers drink with pizza as of January 2016, by type. During the survey, approx. 54% of the respondents answered that beer was their favorite alcoholic beverage to drink while eating pizza.

Beer (NET) 54
Non-craft domestic beer 29
Craft beer 24
Import beer 23
Wine (NET) 20
Table (still) wine 17
Sparkling wine 5
Flavored malt beverages 9
Liquor/spirits/cocktails 9
Hard cider 8
Other alcoholic beverages 2
None 21
NA – I don’t eat pizza 1