Media & Entertainment » Media Usage » Media usage in Europe | European countries: daily TV usage 2017

Daily television usage penetration in European countries 2017

Share of respondents who watch TV on a TV set every day or almost every day in the EU 28 countries in 2017

The data displays the results of a survey on daily television usage in EU 28 countries in 2017. During the survey period, it was found that 92% of Bulgarian and Romanian respondents aged 15 years and older reported watching TV every day or almost every day. The lowest percentage of people who watched TV on a daily basis was in Sweden at 61 percent, a 5% decline compared to the previous year.

Bulgaria 92
Romania 92
Portugal 91
Italy 90
Croatia 89
Spain 88
Greece 86
Hungary 84
Austria 83
Belgium 81
EU 28 81
Czech Republic 80
Slovakia 80
Ireland 80
Netherlands 80
Germany 78
Estonia 78
Lithuania 77
United Kingdom 77
France 77
Cyprus 77
Poland 76
Denmark 75
Slovenia 74
Malta 73
Latvia 71
Finland 70
Luxemburg 68
Sweden 61