Media & Entertainment » Media Usage » Media usage in Finland | Finland: daily usage of selected media in Finland 2014-2016

Survey on daily usage of selected media in Finland 2014 and 2016

Which of the following media do you use daily?

The data displays the results of a survey on daily usage of selected media in Finland in 2014 and 2016. According to the survey, the daily usage of mobile internet increased in 2016 compared to the year 2014, over 90% of respondents using internet daily on a mobile device. In the meantime, the daily usage of traditional medias such as commercial TV, newspapers and commercial radio has decreased.

Internet on computer/tablet 89 93
Internet on mobile phone 52 70
Commercial TV 59 53
Newspapers 61 52
Commercial radio 43 37
Local newspapers 41 30
Magazines 29 21