Media & Entertainment » Media Usage » Media usage in Finland | Finland: most popular magazines by total reach 2016-2017

Most popular magazines in Finland 2016-2017, by total reach

Most popular magazines in Finland from autumn 2016 to spring 2017, by total reach (in thousands)

The data displays the most popular magazines in Finland from autumn 2016 to spring 2017, by total reach. At the time of the survey, Yhteishyvä had the highest total reach of over two million readers. The total reach of Pirkka, a consumer magazine of the Finnish retailer conglomerate K-Group, amounted to 1.74 million. Other magazines with a total reach of above 500,000 readers included Aku Ankka, OP-Lehti and MeNaiset.

Yhteishyvä 2015
Pirkka 1741
OP-Lehti 624
Aku Ankka 612
Me Naiset 505
Anna 495
Kodin kuvalehti 495
Taloustaito 462
Hyvä terveys 445
ET-lehti 438