Media & Entertainment » Media Usage » Media usage in Norway | Norway: children's access to game consoles by gender and age 2015

Children's access to game consoles at home in Norway in 2015, by gender and age

Share of children who have access to video game consoles at home in Norway in 2015, by gender and age

The data displays a survey on the share of children who have access to video game consoles at home in Norway in 2015, by gender and age. During the survey period, it was found that 33% of Norwegian girls aged 9 years had access to a video game console at home.

9 years 71 33
10 years 76 37
11 years 84 51
12 years 88 55
13 years 87 64
14 years 89 62
15 years 89 68
16 years 95 70