Media & Entertainment » Media Usage » Radio industry in Europe | Live radio listening by location UK 2018

Share of listening to live radio in the UK 2018, by activity

Share of respondents listening to live radio in the United Kingdom in 2018, by activity

The data depicts the results of a survey on the share of respondents listening to live radio in the UK in 2018, broken down by activity. 56.9% reported listening to live radio while driving or travelling.

Driving/ travelling 56.9
Relaxing/ nothing particular 33.3
Household Chores 31.4
Eating/ drinking/ cooking 28.3
Working/ studying 22.2
Washing/Dressing 19
Any other internet use 8.4
Sports/Hobbies 6.9
Socialising 6.6
Communicating 6.4
Social Media 2
Shopping 2