Media & Entertainment » Music » Grammy Awards | Most Grammy Award-nominated individuals of all time

Most Grammy Award-nominated individuals of all time

Most Grammy Award-nominated individuals of all time as of 2018

This graph presents the most Grammy Award-nominated individuals in history. As of 2018, Quincy Jones received 79 nominations, which made him the most Grammy-nominated individual of all time. He received the award 27 times.

Quincy Jones 79
Paul McCartney 78
Georg Solti 74
Stevie Wonder 74
Jay-Z 74
Henry Mancini 72
Kanye West 68
Pierre Boulez 67
John Williams 67
Chick Corea 64
Leonard Bernstein 63
Beyoncé 63
Jay David Saks 53
Thomas Z. Shepard 50
Bruce Springsteen 50
Willy Nelson 49
James Mallinson 49
Babyface 49