Media & Entertainment » Music » Music industry in the United Kingdom (UK) | Factors when buying and owning Vinyl UK 2015

Important factors when buying and owning vinyl in the UK 2015

Thinking about buying and owning Vinyl, to you, how important are the following?

The data shows responses of vinyl listeners compared to vinyl & paying streamers to the question: 'Thinking about buying and owning Vinyl, to you, how important are the following?' in the UK in 2015. Paying streamers who also listen to vinyl, compared to pure vinyl listeners without a paid streaming subscription, were more likely to value things like buying vinyl to support artists, having/building a vinyl collection to show friends, and having vinyl for decorative purposes.

Getting a download code for a digital copy 49 79
Having a vinyl for decorative purposes 55 89
Having a vinyl collection to show my friends 63 94
Good investment / it may appreciate in value 68 94
Using Vinyl as my main way of listening 69 87
Having the lyrics 69 89
Building my vinyl collection 76 97
Having a vinyl cover artwork 77 91
Going to a shop and choosing what to buy 77 90
Buying vinyl helps to support the artists 78 97
Owning something tangible 83 90
The sound quality of vinyl 85 94
Paying a one off price to own permanently 87 95