Media & Entertainment » Music » Music industry in the United Kingdom (UK) | Age distribution of festival-goers in the UK 2016

Music festivals: age distribution of visitors in the UK 2016

Age distribution of festival-goers in the United Kingdom in 2016

The data shows the age distribution of festival-goers in the UK in 2016. In that year, just over 50% of festival visitors were aged 30 years and under, with the greatest share being aged between 21 and 25 years. A breakdown of UK festival attendants by gender for the same year shows that 40% were male and 60% female. The UK hosts a large number of music festivals every year, the most famous one being Glastonbury Festival held annually in Somerset, England on the last weekend of June. In 2015, 3.7 million people attended a music festival in the United Kingdom.

Under 16 years old 0.6
16-17 years old 5
18-20 years old 13.8
21-25 years old 18.2
26-30 years old 12.5
31-34 years old 7.9
35-40 years old 10.8
41-50 years old 17.5
51-60 years old 10.3
61 years and over 3.4