Media & Entertainment » Movie, TV & Radio » Movie Industry | Frequency of going to the movies in the U.S. 2018

Frequency of going to the movies in the United States 2018

How frequently do you go to a movie theater to see a film?

The data describes data on the frequency of going to the movies among American adults as of February 2018. During a survey, 3% of respondents stated they went to the movies once a week or more often. Taking into account recent data on average movie ticket prices, weekly visits would sum up to roughly 465 USD spent on silver screen entertainment in a year. The total box office revenue in North America amounted to 11.38 billion USD in 2016, the highest it has ever been. In 2017, the annual box office gross amounted to 11.

Once a week or more 3
Two to three times a month 5
About once a month 13
Few times a year 29
Almost never 27
Never 22