Media & Entertainment » Movie, TV & Radio » Radio in Canada | Canada radio's damaging effect on public image by age 2016

Consumers believing in radio's damaging influnece on public image 2016, by age

Percentage of consumers who think radio can be very damaging to public image in Canada as of April 2016, by age group

The data displays the percentage of consumers who think radio can be very damaging to public image in Canada as of April 2016, broken down by age group. During the survey period, it was found that 47.1% of respondents between the ages of 30 and 39, believed that radio can do a great deal of damage to the image of an individual or an organization.

18-29 years 35.5
30-39 years 47.1
40-49 years 57.9
50-59 years 53.9
60 years and older 47.7