Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Spirits Industry | U.S. spirits excise tax rates of spirits by state, 2014

U.S. spirits excise tax rates of spirits by state 2014

Spirits excise tax rates in the United States in 2014, by state (in U.S. dollars per gallon)

The data shows the state spirits excise tax rates in the U.S., collected by The Tax Foundation as of January 1, 2014. Oregon had the second highest excise tax rate with 22.73 USD per gallon of spirits. Wyoming and New Hampshire have no spirits excise taxes.

Washington 35.22
Oregon 22.73
Virginia 19.19
Alabama 18.23
Alaska 12.8
Iowa 12.43
North Carolina 12.36
Utah 12.19
Michigan 11.91
Idaho 10.92
Montana 9.34
Ohio 9.32
Minnesota 8.71
Illinois 8.55
Mississippi 7.41
Pennsylvania 7.21
Kentucky 6.76
Arkansas 6.57
Florida 6.5
New York 6.44
New Mexico 6.06
Hawaii 5.98
Vermont 5.86
Maine 5.8
Oklahoma 5.56
New Jersey 5.5
South Carolina 5.42
Connecticut 5.4
District of Columbia 5.37
South Dakota 4.68
North Dakota 4.66
Tennessee 4.46
Maryland 4.41
Massachussetts 4.05
Georgia 3.79
Rhode Island 3.75
Delaware 3.75
Nebraska 3.75
Nevada 3.6
California 3.3
Wisconsin 3.25
Indiana 2.68
Louisiana 2.5
Kansas 2.5
Texas 2.4
Colorado 2.28
Missouri 2
West Virginia 1.87
New Hampshire 0
Wyoming 0