Media & Entertainment » Movie, TV & Radio » Star Wars | Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer - audience 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer - viewership 2015

Cross-platform viewership of Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer within 24 hours from release in October 2015 (in millions)

The data displays data on the cross-platform viewership of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer within 24 hours from its release during halftime of ESPN's Monday Night Football on October 19, 2015. The trailer was viewed by nearly 12 million people on TV, 14.6 million views were recorded on YouTube and 8.9 million views on Facebook.

Number of views the trailer had on Facebook as of Tuesday 4 p.m. ET 8.9
Number of viewers of the debut on TV 12
Number of views on the official trailer's YouTube page as of Tuesday 4 p.m. 14.6