Media & Entertainment » Video Games & Gaming » MMO and MOBA gaming | World of Warcraft: most played class 2018

Distribution of World of Warcraft characters in 2018, by class

Distribution of World of Warcraft characters in U.S. and EU realms as of July 2018, by class

The data displays the share of the various classes in the online computer game World of Warcraft (WoW) as of July 20, 2018. Approximately 9.5% of the created characters in U.S. realms were warriors. In terms of race, despite such possibilities as Night Elf, Orc, or Goblin, most players chose to be human in the game.

All in all, World of Warcraft's popularity as such is reflected in the game being one of the bestselling PC games worldwide.Additional info: Distribution of World of Warcraft characters by classBoth among European and American players, the hunter is the most popular class.

Hunter 11.5 10.8
Death Knight 9.8 9.5
Druid 9.7 9.9
Paladin 9.5 9.3
Warrior 9.5 10
Priest 8.4 8.4
Mage 8.4 8.5
Rogue 8 7.9
Warlock 7.6 7.5
Shaman 7.2 7.5
Monk 6.6 6.6
Demon Hunter 4 4.1