Most mentioned game titles worldwide in 2016, by number of online articles

Number of online articles mentioning selected game titles worldwide in 2016

The data describes the number of articles mentioning selected game titles worldwide in 2016. According to the source, Blizzard Entertainment's fist-person shooter game, Overwatch, had the most online media coverage with approx. 75 thousand articles mentioning the title in 2016. It was followed by the popular AR mobile game, Pokémon GO, with 36.5 thousand articles.

Overwatch 75000
Pokémon GO 36500
Final Fantasy XV 36000
Battlefield 1 34500
Doom 30500
Fallout 4 27500
Uncharted 4 26500
The Division 26000
CoD: Infinite Warfare 25000
Dark Souls 3 23000
No Man's Sky 22500
Hitman 21500
Titan Fall 2 21000
Gears of War 4 21000
Street Fighter V 20000