Media & Entertainment » Video Games & Gaming » Video Game Industry in Asia | Global VR gaming market size by region 2016

Global virtual reality video gaming revenue 2016, by region

Virtual reality (VR) video gaming sales revenue worldwide in 2016, by region (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data shows data on the virtual reality video gaming sales revenue worldwide in 2016, broken down by region. The source estimates that the VR gaming market size in North America will reach 1.5 billion USD that year. All in all, the global market is projected to be worth 5.1 billion USD.

VR gaming worldwide– additional information The world’s two largest markets for virtual reality video gaming, as of early 2016, are Europe and North America. The European market was estimated to be worth 1.9 billion USD, while the North American market was valued at 1.

Europe 1.9
North America 1.5
Asia 1.1
Rest of World 0.6