Industrial Goods » Electronics » Artificial Intelligence (AI) worldwide | Non-industrial robotics market revenue by segment worldwide 2025

Global non-industrial robotics market revenue 2025, by segment

Projected non-industrial robotics market size worldwide in 2025, by major segment (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays a revenue forecast for the major segments of the non-industrial robotics market worldwide in 2025. In 2025, it is predicted that the global consumer autonomous vehicle (AV) robotics market will be sized at some 285.6 billion USD. The industrial robotics market has traditionally represented the robotics industry and has been led by Japanese and European robotics manufacturers; however, it has given way to non-industrial robots, such as personal assistant robots, customer service robots, autonomous vehicles, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Consumer AV 285603.53
Agriculture 87905.94
Logistics 32547.8
Consumer UAV 17381.5
Household 16949.34
Commercial AV 13684.98
Military UMS 9386.99
Commercial UAV 3972.69
Surgical 3747.9
Military UAV 3372.88
Toy and Educational 2053.28
Military UGV 1149.55
Military Exoskeletons 1095.55
Others Enterprise 594.74
Customer Service 177.9
Telepresence 106.73
Hospital 89.48
Military Demining 80.06
Exoskeleton/Prosthetics 45.54
Construction 2.75