Industrial Goods » Electronics » Artificial Intelligence (AI) worldwide | Industry 4.0 data analytics use by business area 2016

Industry 4.0 current and future use of data analytics, by business area, as of 2016

In which areas are you using big data analytics today? In which additional areas will your company use data analytics in five years?

The data displays the level of use of big data analytics in various business areas, according to a 2016 survey conducted by PwC. As of 2016, 59% of respondents stated that their company was using big data analytics to improve manufacturing and operations planning and controlling, with a further 16% saying they would potentially be using it in this area within five years.

Optimization of overall business planning and controlling 56 22
Better manufacturing / operations planning and controlling 59 16
Improvement of customer relationship and customer intelligence along the product life cycle 51 21
More efficient asset utilization of operational efficiency 52 19
Development of new or optimization of existing products / services 44 25
Increase of sales revenue 46 22
Optimization of transport and logistics costs / efficiency 48 19
Improved product of process quality 47 18
Efficient maintenance / service of own assets or customer products 38 23
Better cooperation and decision-making with partner companies 36 20