Industrial Goods » Electronics » Artificial Intelligence (AI) worldwide | Disadvantages of virtual assistants in the U.S. 2017

Opinion on the danger of virtual assistants among U.S. residents 2017

In your opinion, what are dangers of the increasing popularity of virtual assistants?

The data displays the results of a survey conducted in the U.S. in April 2017. U.S. residents were asked about the dangers of the increasing popularity of virtual assistants. At that time, 30% of respondents indicated that an increasing number of advertisements was a danger of virtual assistants. Virtual digital assistants are software programs that take natural language commands or questions, either in written or spoken form, and attempt to carry out a task or provide an answer for the user.

Difficult to reach a human contact person 50
Everyday life becoming less personal 50
Increase of advertisements 30
Increasing amount of misunderstandings 39
Other 2
None of the above 13