Europe: number of Starbucks stores 2018, by country

Number of Starbucks stores in Europe as of May 2018, by country
Created with Highcharts 5.0.149829824284281571571541541261261241248080727265656464United KingdomTurkeyGermanyFranceSpainRussiaIrelandNetherlandsPolandSwitzerland050100150200250300350400450500550600650700750800850900950100010…1050

The data displays the number of Starbucks stores in Europe as of May 11, 2018. The UK ranked first with 982 stores, followed by Turkey with 428 stores and Germany with 157 stores.

Starbucks is a major U.S coffeehouse chain, opening its first store in Seattle in 1971. As of September 2016 the brand operates 25,085 stores worldwide, ranking it as the largest coffee house chain in the world. Following a rapid expansion into international markets, the number of stores outside of the U.S. came to 11,913 in 2016. In the region of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), revenues reached over 1 billion USD in 2014.

United Kingdom 982
Turkey 428
Germany 157
France 154
Spain 126
Russia 124
Ireland 80
Netherlands 72
Poland 65
Switzerland 64
Romania 37
Czech Republic 33
Greece 27
Belgium 24
Norway 23
Denmark 21
Hungary 19
Austria 19
Portugal 16
Sweden 15
Cyprus 11
Finland 9
Bulgaria 7
Slovakia 4
Luxembourg 3
Monaco 2