Retail & Wholesale » Food & Beverage » Cafés and coffee shops in the United Kingdom (UK) | Coffee shop and sandwich bar usage in the UK 2017 by time of day

Coffee shop and sandwich bar usage in the UK 2017, by time of day

Number of people using coffee shops and sandwich bars in the United Kingdom in 2017, by time most visted (in thousands)

The data displays the number of people visiting coffee shops and sandwich bars in the UK in 2017, by time of day most visited. In 2017, an estimated 13.3 million people in the United Kingdom visited coffee shops or sandwich bars for a drink in the morning, compared to 2.8 million who used them in the morning to eat.

Morning 13301 2765
Lunchtime 14272 14118
Evening 2763 1788
Weekends 5997 3952