Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Wine Market | Number of wineries in the U.S. by production size, 2018

Wineries in the United States 2018, by production size

Number of wineries in the United States in 2018, by production size

The data displays the number of wineries in the U.S. in 2018, by production size. According to the report, there were 65 large wineries in the United States as of January 2018. Large wineries produce more than 500,000 cases of wine per year. The total number of U.S. wineries amounted to 9,654.

Large (> 500,000 cases) 65
Medium (50,000-499,000 cases) 262
Small (5,000-49,999 cases) 1604
Very small (1,000-4,999 cases) 3690
Limited production (< 1,000 cases) 4033