Retail & Wholesale » Food & Beverage » Peanut Butter Industry | Peanut butter exports by country U.S., 2016/2017

U.S. peanut butter exports 2016/2017, by country

Peanut butter exports from the United States in 2016/2017, by country of destination (in metric tons)

The data illustrates peanut butter exports from the U.S. from January to December 2017, broken down by country of destination. U.S. exports of peanut butter to Mexico amounted to 1,889 metric tons in 2016/2017.

Canada 16607
EU28 9287
Mexico 1889
Saudi Arabia 1842
Japan 1369
United Arab Emirates 1287
South Korea 1578
Philippines 1239
Nigeria 1201
Pakistan 1094
Hong Kong 915