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Attitudes people in the United States have toward fitness nutrition 2016

Which of the following statements regarding fitness nutrition do you agree with?

The data displays which of the statements in regard to fitness nutrition people in the U.S. agree with in 2016 42% of survey respondents said that they agree with the statement, "Fitness nutrition increases my personal well-being."

Fitness nutrition increases my personal well-being. 42
Fitness nutrition complements my exercise plan. 39
Fitness nutrition improves my endurance. 36
Fitness nutrition helps me regenerate after a workout. 35
Fitness nutrition fits my lifestyle well. 34
Fitness nutrition provides my body with exactly what it needs. 33
Fitness nutrition meets my specific personal needs. 32
Fitness nutrition helps me build muscle. 31
I see great results from consuming fitness nutrition that exercise alone would not provide. 24
I do not agree with any of the statements above. 5