Retail & Wholesale » Health & Hygiene » Drug Store/Pharmacy Market in the U.S. | Buying liquor: drug store shoppers in the U.S. 2017

Buying liquor: drug store shoppers in the United States 2017

Number of people who bought liquor at a drug store within the last 30 days in the United States from autumn 2012 to spring 2017 (in millions)

The data depicts the number of people buying liquor at a drug store within the last 30 days in the U.S. from autumn 2012 to spring 2017. In spring 2017, around 1.83 million shoppers purchased liquor at a drug store within a period of 30 days.

Autumn 2012 2.34
Spring 2013 2.11
Autumn 2013 2.07
Spring 2014 1.28
Autumn 2014 1.54
Spring 2015 1.13
Autumn 2015 1.8
Spring 2016 2.04
Autumn 2016 0.93
Spring 2017 1.37