Retail & Wholesale » International Trade » Export trade in China | Value of the leading merchandise exporters worldwide 2017, by exporting nation

Value of the leading merchandise exporters worldwide 2017, by exporting nation

Value of the leading merchandise exporters worldwide in 2017, by exporting nation (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays the value of the leading merchandise exporters worldwide in 2017, by exporting nation. In that year, the U.S. was the second biggest merchandise exporting nation in the world, with a value amounting to about 1.55 trillion USD.

China 2263
United States 1547
Germany 1448
Japan 698
Netherlands 652
South Korea 574
Hong Kong, China 550
France 535
Italy 506
United Kingdom 445
Belgium 430
Canada 421
Mexico 409
Singapore 373
United Arab Emirates 360