Brands of colas in the UK 2017, by number of users

Brands of colas ranked by number of users in the United Kingdom in 2017 (in thousands)

The data displays a ranking of the most used brands of colas in the UK in 2017. In 2017, an estimated 14.4 million people in the UK used Coca-Cola, making it the most popular cola brand by its number of users. Ranked second and third were Diet Coke with 9.11 million and Pepsi Max with 6.91 million users.

Coca-Cola 14450
Diet Coke 9108
Pepsi Max 6911
Pepsi-Cola 5527
Coke Zero 4775
Diet Pepsi 4063
Cherry Coke 3200
Other Hyper/supermarket brands 1690
Tesco 1417
Coca-Cola Vanilla 1414
Diet Coke Caffeine Free 1101
Others 839
Asda 765
Other Pepsi 735
Diet Coke with Citrus Zest 734
Sainsbury's 665
Morrisons 528