Retail & Wholesale » Retail Key Figures » Marks and Spencer | Marks & Spencer average footfall 2009-2018

Marks & Spencer average weekly footfall in the UK 2009-2018

Average weekly footfall in Marks & Spencer stores in the United Kingdom from 2009/11 to 2017/18 (in millions)

The data displays the average weekly footfall in Marks & Spencer stores in the UK, between financial year 2009/10 and the financial year 2017/18. In the financial year ending March 31, 2018 there were average of 19.5 million weekly visits to Marks & Spencer stores in the United Kingdom.

2009/10 21
2010/11 20.7
2011/12 20.3
2012/13 20
2013/14 19.5
2017/18 19.5