Retail & Wholesale » Retail Key Figures » Marks and Spencer | Marks & Spencer UK operating costs by type 2018

Marks & Spencer: operating costs by type in the United Kingdom 2018

Operating costs of Marks & Spencer in the United Kingdom the financial year ending March 31, 2018, by type (Figures are expressed in millions of British Pounds, except where otherwise indicated)

The data displays the operating costs of the retail chain Marks & Spencer in the UK during the year ending March 31, 2018. The largest cost for operating the store was staffing, which accounted for over one billion GBP during the 2017/18 financial year. Overall, the company spent around 3.45 billion on operating costs for the year.

Store staffing 1070.6
Other store costs 992.1
Distribution and warehousing 538
Marketing 151.6
Central Costs 698