Retail & Wholesale » Shopping Behavior » Hispanics in the U.S.: Shopping Behavior | Average Hispanic food at home household expenditure by category U.S. 2016

Average Hispanic food at home household expenditure in the United States in 2016, by category

Average food at home Hispanic household expenditure in the United States in 2016, by category (in USD)
Created with Highcharts 5.0.141 2931 2931 0681 068880880524524399399Other food at-home*Meats, poultry, fish, and eggsFruits and vegetablesCereals and bakery productsDairy products010020030040050060070080090010001100120013001400

The data describes the average food at home household expenditure of Hispanics in the U.S. in 2016, by category. In that year, Hispanic households spent 880 USD on fruits and vegetables on average.

Other food at-home 1293
Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs 1068
Fruits and vegetables 880
Cereals and bakery products 524
Dairy products 399