Saving behavior in the United States 2014, by generation

Have you done or considered doing any of the following over the past six months in order to save money?

The data describes information on the saving money behaviour in the U.S. in the six months preceding the date of the survey in June 2014, by generation. It was found that 59% of the Millenials purchased more generic brands, compared to 44 of the Matures who did the same.

Purchasing more generic brands 59 58 56 44
Brown bagging lunch instead of purchasing it 49 51 33 10
Going to the hairdresser/barber/stylist less often 38 38 34 25
Switched to refillable water bottle instead of purchasing bottles of water 40 36 31 27
Cancelled one or more magazine subscriptions 19 24 30 23
Cancelled or cut back cable television service 22 26 22 15
Stopped purchasing coffee in the morning 24 25 13 9
Cancelled landline phone service and only using cell phone 24 19 14 5
Cut down on dry cleaning 16 16 18 14
Changed or cancelled cell phone service 23 17 13 5
Cancelled a newspaper subscription 12 14 15 9
Begun carpooling or using mass transit 19 12 8 3