Retail & Wholesale » Shopping Behavior » U.S. Millennials: Grocery Shopping Behavior | GM food: consumer attitudes towards health risks by age U.S. 2016

Consumer attitudes towards GM food health risks U.S. 2016, by age group

Share of consumers who believe genetically modified (GM) food is healthier than non-GM food in the United States as of June 2016, by age group

The data displays the share of consumers who believe that genetically modified (GM) is healthier than non-GM food in the U.S. as of June 2016, by age group. During the survey, 48% of respondents aged between 18 and 29 years said they believed GM food was worse for health compared to non-GM food.

18-29 years 48 34 16
30-49 years 41 49 10
50-64 years 38 50 10
65+ years 29 60 2