Retail & Wholesale » Shopping Behavior » U.S. Thanksgiving weekend shopping | Products consumers are waiting until Black Friday to buy U.S. 2017

Products U.S. consumers are waiting until Black Friday to buy 2017, by category

Share of consumers in the United States postponing purchases until Black Friday in 2017, by product category

The data displays the results of a 2017 survey in which U.S. consumers were asked which products they were waiting until Black Friday to purchase, broken down by category. According to the survey, 50% of respondents were postponing clothing purchases until Black Friday.

Clothes 50
Toys 47
Athletic shoes and sneakers 37
Beauty products and fragrances 36
Video games 36
Televisions 34
Laptop computers 31
Headphones 30
Jewelry 29
Mobile phones 29
Seasonal and holiday decorations 27
Kitchen appliances 27
Home furnishings 27
Sporting goods 27
Guns and ammunition 18
Laundry appliances 17